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Friday, December 14, 2007

Natural Cancer Treatment

Natural cancer treatment mostly centers around the use of natural ingredient to strengthen the body, however they have not been studied by science and their claims are for the most part not proven

People at an advance stage of the disease often undergo natural cancer treatment as conventional medicine may have given up any hope on their cases by then. Natural cancer treatment centers on strengthening the body and countering the harmful side effects of conventional cancer treatment. Natural cancer treatment can be of many types and often goes by the name of alternative cancer treatment.

Following are some of the natural cancer treatment options available. Essiac is recognized in China as a natural cancer treatment compound. It has been found to contain antioxidants that help the body to fight cancer. Another natural cancer treatment that involves the use of herbs is called Hoxey therapy. In this external and internal preparations are used with proper diet and psychological counseling to make the body strong enough for beating cancer cells.

Mind Body therapies are natural cancer treatments that sometimes involve the use of mind control techniques such as hypnosis and counseling to convince the body of its strength and at other times use faith and meditation to bring about the same result. There is something called Visualization technique too in which a patient of cancer is told to imagine his tumor becoming smaller every day. This form of natural cancer treatment is supposed to work using the power of the mind and proponents claim that it actually helps to attain remission from the disease.

Another popular natural cancer treatment that is widely prevalent is called metabolic therapy. This treatment is based on cleansing the body of toxins. This natural cancer treatment recommends colon cleansing, eating right and following what is called an anti cancer diet and also supplementing the cleansing action with the help of enzymes and supplements. It is believed by the followers of this therapy that these efforts come together to repair the damaged tissues of the body , to boost the immune system and to bring about a stronger individual capable of fighting and defeating cancer.

What is commonly referred to as a cancer diet and often forms an integral part of natural cancer treatment mostly constitutes of whole food , fruits , vegetables that are grown organically, that is without the use of fertilizers or chemicals and abstaining completely from red meats or high protein items. This kind natural cancer treatment also supplements this cancer diet with some medicines and enzymes.

Immunology therapies center on bolstering the immune system of the body. This is done with the help of food and medicines. It is believed by the promoters of this natural cancer treatment that cancer spreads only by defeating the immune system of the body, thus when that is strengthened cancer will be automatically forced to take a back seat.

It is wise to remember however that though these natural cancer treatments have been around for some time, have many experts in their respective fields who have been practicing them for a long time, none of these natural cancer treatments have actually been tested by scientists or doctors. None of their claims are scientifically proven and center more in the area of faith rather than that of science. However as most of these therapies are herbal or natural, they can be followed by cancer patients after detailed and complete discussions with their doctors.

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